Tuesday, 26 March 2013

How It All Started....?

For most of my dear friends, it wouldn't take you very long to realise how much of a "foodie" I am.  I am very much a typical Singaporean who likes to sniff out good foods everywhere I happen to go, sometimes try out new joints/restaurants around the island, and of cos' likes to take a snapshot before I bite onto the yummy foods.

It has pretty much become part of a habit to eat and enjoy good foods (without burning a BiG hole in my pocket!) for this is the simplest pleasure we can give to ourselves, as frequent as everyday.  A satisfying meal can fuel me up physically, as well as mentally!  Once you have tasted delicious foods, you can never forget the wonderful taste and go back to just having mediocre-tasting foods (if you know what I mean).  As many of you are aware, some of Singapore's best foods are actually found in the everyday places, e.g. neighbourhood kopitiams (coffeeshops) and non-aircon hawker centres.

Just like others, I will indulge in even better foods with the company of my loved ones and good friends on special occasions.  I hope that with this blog I can share with all my friends and like-minded people the great food adventures and unexpected good foods I have tried.  So whenever you, my friend need a recommendation where to dine for any occasion or a suggestion where to eat in unfamiliar territories (outside your neighbourhood), you will know where to go to.  For I always believe and say, "Good things are meant to be shared with good friends, similarly with good foods! (好东西要跟好朋友分享)".

So bon appetit on with me!~

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